news letter sept 2014
September 2014
Summer Cultivation for a Fall Harvest
He said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Luke 10:2
Even in the lazy wonderful days and nights or the past summer some good cultivation work was done at First Baptist. Time will tell. There’s no doubt from the witness of history and of current experts that churches having a clear sense of its mission will be the ones that will be thrive. God doesn’t have us here for our own pleasure (or to give people like me a job). We exist for worship, service and the saving joy of Christ.
In that vein, the Prudential Committee, Missions Committee, and Christian Education Committee were led to a similar line of thinking this summer. A couple ideas came from the meetings and some plans are underway. We came to see the importance of First Baptist to be focused on an outreach we do with excellence; something that people around town will associate with our church. Plans have been made to raise funds to serve kids in need and give our children and adults a chance to work together in Christ’s service.
Do we have an opportunity to test out! On October 12, our young people and adult leaders will put on a car wash at the same time as the Fire Department’s first breakfast of the year. We will use the money earned to buy school supplies for families that could use the help. Being together, networking with others, and helping others. That’s the stuff from which a harvest of mission comes. Pray that people will be attracted to the love of Jesus as it grows amongst us. Better yet, get in on it!
Mary Martha Fellowship News
The Mary Martha Fellowship will be sponsoring the Annual Chicken Pie Supper on October 4, 2014 at 6:00 P.M.. Barbara West is in charge and reservations may be made by calling Martha Thompson at 362-3473. The whole church comes together to prepare this meal and it is a highlight of the year.
Cathy Comar , White Cross Chairman ( a mission project) is seeking items to be sent to the Rankin Family Center in PA and health kits will also be assembled as part of the quota. Money ($132.60) has already been sent for a project in India. See Cathy C. if you would like to help.
Our next meeting will be October 12, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. Sunday morning. We are reading in preparation for the meeting ,a book by Rob Bell , Love Wins. Several members have copies to borrow. Northshire Bookstore doesn’t have any in stock but you may call and order a copy. They need about 10 days lead time.
Just a reminder that the Mary Martha Fellowship is responsible for prep and cleanup and providing refreshments at coffee hour on the second Tues. of each month to give Diaconate a hand.
Interfaith Council News
The Interfaith Council met on Thurs., September 4, after a summer hiatus.
Skip Dickinson made an appeal at the meeting for more assistance with the storage unit which the Council maintains to help people in the Northshire who need furniture. He would like help with the physical part, moving and lifting ,but also with the responsibility. Can you help or do you know someone who can?
Dates were set for future events;
Annual Council Meeting, Pot Luck Dinner and Auction – Sunday, November 23rd beginning with the meeting at 5:00 Israel Congregation.
Annual Thanksgiving Service at Christ Our Savior, St. Paul’s Parish church at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 25.
Other dates which will be announced again nearer the time; The Martin Luther King, Jr. Service on Monday, January 19, 2015,and the Passover Seder on March 22, 2015 at Israel Congregation at 5:00 p.m.
Israel Congregation also invites any interested person to an event at the Temple on October 18 at 9:30 followed by lunch. Several women will be Bat Mitzvahed. This service is usually performed when a girl is about 12 but it was not always fashionable to celebrate girls. Please call to say you are coming for a lunch count at 362-4578.
Neighbor to Neighbor is hosting a book author luncheon and talk at the Manchester Country Club at 12 noon on October 8. Well known author, Archer Mayer will be our guest speaker. He writes very entertaining mysteries that are centered in VT. This is a fundraising event . Tickets are $45 a piece. Part pays for the lunch and part is a donation to the Neighbor to Neighbor project. Archer Mayer receives an honorarium and the Bank of Bennington is underwriting this cost. See Martha Thompson for tickets.
Diaconate News
The Diaconate invites those who would be interested in greeting and/or taking the offering to talk to Edie Sargood. This is not exclusively a Diaconate area.