May 2015 Newsletter
Spirit Spark
May, 2015
Some Thoughts from the Interim Pastor Time Has Come" Recently I went to the hardware Store to buy three light bulbs forthe living room light fixture in the parsonage. The new LED lights were on sale so I decided to go all out. As I was popping them out Of the less-than-infernal plastic wrapper (Praise God for small favors.), I noticed that they are guaranteed for ten years. I was led to pray that it would be your next pastor who would replace them — and that there would be no need for a warranty claim.
Why not? Yes, there hasn't been that kind of pastoral tenure at First Baptist for quite a while. But seriously, why couldn't the next chapter of our history be the story of a pastor and church growingin Christ'S love and bringing the love that'S being shared to Manchester- In the past three years and five months we grown to the point that those qualities are ready to come into full bloom.
As we've studied together, many of you have come to realize that a pastor should not be expected to do it all. Amen. You're ready for someone who will bring out the gifts and the qualities that each one of you can bring to a healthy and attractive First Baptist Church. You are ready to abound in the love and grace of Jesus Christ as never before! And that's to be shared.
The book of Ephesians tells us that Jesus Christ came "in the fullness of time." We migY say that he came when the opportunities for saving grace for the whole world were "ripe for the picking." I believe the fullness of time has come for First Baptist Church and that God has begun a new and good work that will continue! This will probably require new ideas, change, and changing attitudes. I believe this will happen. Be ready to do your part. Be ready to open yourseff to God, God's people, and to the possibilities of growth within yourselves. to love to read Sara and John Marvin K Mooney Will You Please GO Now/ It Starts with those memorable words, *'The time has come. The time has come. The time is now! Just go! Go! Go / don't care how." The time has come. The time is now! It's time for me to go. And unlike th book, we do care how. I will go with gratitude and love in my heart to you and to this surprisin God who pulled it all off. I think you feel the same way.
And as another wonderful book outs it, "Oh the Placesyou'll go!
Pastor Steve
At the Church's annual meeting we thought it would be a good idea to explain the policy that the Board of Deacons is now following for the Fellowship Fund. For those who are new to First Baptist, the fund provides emergency financial help to people jn the church family when they fall on hard times. It has also been used to meet emergency needs for people in the community but these are usually administered through the emergency needs fund of the Interfaith Council.
In order to make sure this vital ministry is being carried out in a responsible and timeiy way, we are following this policy. If the pastor becomes aware Of a need and/or the deacons become aware and tell the pastor, he or she can authorize the treasurer of the fund to write a check for up to $100. If the need is greater, the pastor can consult with the chair of the Diaconate and authorize up to $250 to be spent. In both cases the board is made aware of the expenses and how the money was spent. If a sum of over $250 is needed, the entire board is contacted and an appropriate about is agreed upon (assuming they agree that the need appropriate). When a majority of the board approves the amount by phone or email, the treasurer writes the check. All this is reviewed at the monthly meeting of the Diaconate. We have been following this procedure for about a year and it'S working well.
Pastor Steve's last Sunday with us will be May 31
Pastor Steve's last Sunday with us will be Mav 31st. We have been greatly blessed by Steve and Kath'/ S presence in our lives! TO celebrate their time with us, we will be holding a Celebration Pot Luck Dinner on Saturday, May 30th at 5:30 in joy Hall. We hope you will join us! if you would like to contribute a dish to share, there is a sign- up sheet on the vestry bulletin board where you may sign up to bring a hot dish or salad or, if you cannot be in church, just let me know what you would like to bring. Dessert will be provided.
JOY Hall is the place to be on May 30! We hope you see you there!
Glenna Taxter (362-2667) (
Children's Day
Sunday, May 31 is not only Pastor Steve's last Sunday With us but we will also be celebrating Children's Day. The children have learned a lot this year from Pastor Steve. The youth have chatted with many members of our congregation, getting to know them one by one. These are connections that will last a lifetime. Come watch a snapshot of their conversations as they also say farewell to their beloved teacher.
We will not have a picnic at the parsonage this year but join us far a special coffee hour with Steve and Kathy. Sunday school will be at the normal time, 9:30, but will involve a nature walk with Steve. Maurie Hill
The Diaconate is working on getting guests to fill the pulpit till we have a oastor in place. At the present time Rev. Jordan Dickinson has agreed to preach the first two Sundays in June. Ifthere is an issue that requires attention after Steve leaves, please call Deacon chair Carol Lattuga at 362-3997. If you can't reach Carol, other Diaconate members are Lindy Mylott, Mary Keyes, Doris Johnson, and Lyn Camped (away) and Martha Thompson . Any one of the committee will try to get or give the help or attention that is needed.]
May, 2015
Some Thoughts from the Interim Pastor Time Has Come" Recently I went to the hardware Store to buy three light bulbs forthe living room light fixture in the parsonage. The new LED lights were on sale so I decided to go all out. As I was popping them out Of the less-than-infernal plastic wrapper (Praise God for small favors.), I noticed that they are guaranteed for ten years. I was led to pray that it would be your next pastor who would replace them — and that there would be no need for a warranty claim.
Why not? Yes, there hasn't been that kind of pastoral tenure at First Baptist for quite a while. But seriously, why couldn't the next chapter of our history be the story of a pastor and church growingin Christ'S love and bringing the love that'S being shared to Manchester- In the past three years and five months we grown to the point that those qualities are ready to come into full bloom.
As we've studied together, many of you have come to realize that a pastor should not be expected to do it all. Amen. You're ready for someone who will bring out the gifts and the qualities that each one of you can bring to a healthy and attractive First Baptist Church. You are ready to abound in the love and grace of Jesus Christ as never before! And that's to be shared.
The book of Ephesians tells us that Jesus Christ came "in the fullness of time." We migY say that he came when the opportunities for saving grace for the whole world were "ripe for the picking." I believe the fullness of time has come for First Baptist Church and that God has begun a new and good work that will continue! This will probably require new ideas, change, and changing attitudes. I believe this will happen. Be ready to do your part. Be ready to open yourseff to God, God's people, and to the possibilities of growth within yourselves. to love to read Sara and John Marvin K Mooney Will You Please GO Now/ It Starts with those memorable words, *'The time has come. The time has come. The time is now! Just go! Go! Go / don't care how." The time has come. The time is now! It's time for me to go. And unlike th book, we do care how. I will go with gratitude and love in my heart to you and to this surprisin God who pulled it all off. I think you feel the same way.
And as another wonderful book outs it, "Oh the Placesyou'll go!
Pastor Steve
At the Church's annual meeting we thought it would be a good idea to explain the policy that the Board of Deacons is now following for the Fellowship Fund. For those who are new to First Baptist, the fund provides emergency financial help to people jn the church family when they fall on hard times. It has also been used to meet emergency needs for people in the community but these are usually administered through the emergency needs fund of the Interfaith Council.
In order to make sure this vital ministry is being carried out in a responsible and timeiy way, we are following this policy. If the pastor becomes aware Of a need and/or the deacons become aware and tell the pastor, he or she can authorize the treasurer of the fund to write a check for up to $100. If the need is greater, the pastor can consult with the chair of the Diaconate and authorize up to $250 to be spent. In both cases the board is made aware of the expenses and how the money was spent. If a sum of over $250 is needed, the entire board is contacted and an appropriate about is agreed upon (assuming they agree that the need appropriate). When a majority of the board approves the amount by phone or email, the treasurer writes the check. All this is reviewed at the monthly meeting of the Diaconate. We have been following this procedure for about a year and it'S working well.
Pastor Steve's last Sunday with us will be May 31
Pastor Steve's last Sunday with us will be Mav 31st. We have been greatly blessed by Steve and Kath'/ S presence in our lives! TO celebrate their time with us, we will be holding a Celebration Pot Luck Dinner on Saturday, May 30th at 5:30 in joy Hall. We hope you will join us! if you would like to contribute a dish to share, there is a sign- up sheet on the vestry bulletin board where you may sign up to bring a hot dish or salad or, if you cannot be in church, just let me know what you would like to bring. Dessert will be provided.
JOY Hall is the place to be on May 30! We hope you see you there!
Glenna Taxter (362-2667) (
Children's Day
Sunday, May 31 is not only Pastor Steve's last Sunday With us but we will also be celebrating Children's Day. The children have learned a lot this year from Pastor Steve. The youth have chatted with many members of our congregation, getting to know them one by one. These are connections that will last a lifetime. Come watch a snapshot of their conversations as they also say farewell to their beloved teacher.
We will not have a picnic at the parsonage this year but join us far a special coffee hour with Steve and Kathy. Sunday school will be at the normal time, 9:30, but will involve a nature walk with Steve. Maurie Hill
The Diaconate is working on getting guests to fill the pulpit till we have a oastor in place. At the present time Rev. Jordan Dickinson has agreed to preach the first two Sundays in June. Ifthere is an issue that requires attention after Steve leaves, please call Deacon chair Carol Lattuga at 362-3997. If you can't reach Carol, other Diaconate members are Lindy Mylott, Mary Keyes, Doris Johnson, and Lyn Camped (away) and Martha Thompson . Any one of the committee will try to get or give the help or attention that is needed.]